Anthony Anderson took to social media to celebrate his graduation from Howard University over the weekend. The actor shared the excited moment, which he described as a ''full circle moment'' that was ''30 years in the making'', in a post on his Instagram account. Sharing several photos from the big day, one of which included fellow actor and Howard gard Taraji P. Henson, he wrote, "To quote Biggie, 'IT WAS ALL A DREAM!'' "words can't begin to describe the emotional roller coaster [sic] I'm on right now. It's literally been 30 years in the making." "This spring I was finally able to complete the work to graduate from Howard University with a BFA degree from the Chadwick A Boseman College of fine Arts! Yesterday was a full circle moment,'' he continued. "It's never too late! Things happen when they're supposed to happen!" Finishing his post, Anderson gave a shoutout to Rashad, Dr Wayn...
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