The Instagram model who says she got booted from an airplane because of her massive breasts doesn't have the facts straight ..... so say sources at the airline. Mary Magdalene ..... as she calls herself on social media .... claims American Airlines removed her from a flight because of a revealing tank top she wore on a flight from Canada to the U.S. However, sources at American Airlines says, that wasn't the case, instead they say flight attendants noticed Mary sitting in several seats before takeoff... seats that weren't her ticketed one. We're told airline employees believed the woman appeared to be intoxicated and she seemed unstable, so flight attendants and the captain asked her to leave .... she left without incident, and cops did not have to get involved. Also a footage of Mary walking around the airport holding a massive cup ..... although we can't tell what she was drinking. Of course, this story is very different from Mary's take on the situation ......
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