Rihanna has announced via her Twitter account that her beauty product Fenty will be made available in Africa. The mother to be tweet reads ''I've been waiting for this moment! @fentybeauty&@fentyskin are finally dropping in Africa!!! Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe.... we comin at ya May 27th and that's just the beginning!!!" makeup and skincare products will officially become available to Africa, the world's second-largest continent and home to more than a billion people. The official makeup and skincare product Fenty also shared the announcement on their Instagram accounts writing: ''The wait is finally OVA!!! AFRICA - we pulling up!" the message continued. ''Who's ready?! We've been workin hard to make this happen! We'll be available in Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Namibia, Botswana, Ghana, Zambia and Zimbabwe local retailers starting May 27!'' Rihanna began in 2017with ...
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