Nigerian filmmaker and the producer of "King of Boys", Kemi Adetiba, got a surprise bridal shower over the weekend by the King of Boys crew. In an Instagram post, Adetiba shared a video of her crew members wishing her a happy married life. She said "the most incredible thing happened over the weekend. The amazing, and incredibly talented KOB 2 CREW hosted a surprise Bridal Shower party for me. In Cohorts to the crew member. These guys spun a weave of glorious deception and lured over to a serviced apartment in Lekki, where they had good food and drink and merry in surplus. "To say I was (and still am touched) is an understatement. Especially when I found out they'd been planted their surprise for a month. "These guys already gave me the gift of KOB 2 and a KOB 2 FAMILY...... and this incredibly special (yet unexpected) gesture was icing on a MAGICAL cake thank you so much KOB TEAM/FAMILY/ARMY. I love you guys individually and collectively. The filmmake...
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