Chris Rock got the Surprising moment on stage, by Will Smith at the Oscars 2022. After Chris Rock joked that he couldn't wait to see Will Smith's wife Jada Pinkett Smith in 'GI Jane 2, Smith walk up on the stage at Dolby Theatre and hit Rock in the face. Insane, Violent will Smith was best part of otherwise boring Oscars, Will Smith's wild year: From sex-life revelations to crazy Oscars outburst 'CODA' wins Oscars 2022 best picture The audio was cut and censored for several seconds but captions indicated that the "King Richard" star said "Keep my wife's name out of your F***king mouth". Audio from the uncensored Australian broadcast appears to confirm this. Before Will Smith slapped the comedian's face, Rock had made a joke about pinkett being in the fake action film because of her bald head. She had previously spoken about having a hair loss condition, alopecia. Will Smith wins Best Actor Oscar for "King Richard" af...
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