Popular Nollywood Actress, Jumoke Odetola, has been recognised as one of the 100 most influential young leaders in Nigeria. The Award, which seeks to motivate the awardees to keep on the good works in their various fields, took place on the 27th March, 2022, in Lagos. Speaking on this development, odetola described the award as a humble experience having been singled out of millions in the country. The actress also described the award as a reminder of continuing good works even as she is an advocate of positivity. Odetola explained that the positive impact and inspirational stories behind her movies might have necessitated the award. "It is a humbling experience being singled out of millions, I am a filmmaker and the kind of movies I make are ones that impact society positively. "The award is a reminder to continue the good works. I am an advocate of positivity. It is an appreciation of what I have been doing and a motivation to keep on what y...
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