After being hit in the face byBest Actor Will Smith, comedian Chris Rock may be returning to host the Oscars next year. ABC president Craig Erwich told sources that bringing Rock in as the emcee was a possibility. He assured that the following year's concert, which is set for March 12, 2023, will be better than the last. After assaulting Rock as the March Award show for making a crude remark about Smith's wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Smith has been barred from attending the celebration for ten years. Smith won the Oscar for Best Actor for his depiction of Richard Williams, the father of Venus and Serena Williams, after resigning from the Academy. Some praised Smith for defending his wife, while others said he should lose his medal. He certainly wasn't. The network head expressed remorse for the evening's violence this year, but claimed the show was largely a success. "My assessment of the Oscars was that it was really a successful year for the show, Obviously there ...
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