A lot has been going on concerning the Disneyland Employee .... one of the employees playing super cop at a park over a proposal that was almost awesome. Check the viral interaction between a Disneyland Paris Staffer .... who7s all decked out in ears and everything ---- literally interception an engagement ring as a man gets on bended knee about to pop the question to his significant other. He came out of nowhere just before the woman is about to accept the ring --- and say yes, We imagine ---- pointing them down to the lower lever of the platform ... right this way, please. The guy seems to try and reason with the over-zealous employee --- world is , he'd actually gotten permission to propose there from another worker --- but Mouse Man isn't having it .... telling him, you can do it over here just the same. Too late though .... the mood was ruined. There have been a reports of other moments like this, including an instance her in the states (L.A., specifically). This incident...
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