The Big Brother Naija star, Adeoluwa Okusaga, Popularly known as Saga, has revealed how celebrities pay stylists and return the clothes they wear after an events. The former housemate disclosed this a recent interview with the piggyvest, where he stated some of the challenges contestants faced after the show. He said "let me start with the obvious one. clothes: you will pay a stylist N100,000 to style you and you still give them the clothes back. I'm telling you. When people tell me, 'come for my event, come for my event' it's not that easy. i have to buy clothes. "but this thing called clothes! you return everything back because if you have to buy it, you spend more. " The real deal-breaker is that once I wear something and take a photo for Instagram, I can't wear them again anytime soon. "when i finallygot a place and brought my clothes together, I felt like I should open a boutique"!
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