Sylvester Stallone is proving lasting love is achievable. The 75-year-old actor celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary with wife Jennifer Flavin on Tuesday and had the sweetest message for her. "Happy 25th anniversary to my amazing wife," Stallone gushed alongside a series of images of himself and Flavin. "There is not enough words to describe what this incredibly selfless dedicated, patient, woman has meant to our lives and I only wish they could be another 25! Thank you sweetheart!" Flavin shared her love for Stallone in the comments section, writing, "Thank you my love! I love you so much and we will be spending the next 25+ years together! keep me laughing and I'm yours for the rest of my life!" Stallone and Flavin share three daughters -- Sistine, Scarlet, and Sophia -- and the girls couldn't be happier for their parents on their milestone anniversary. Over the course of his career, Stallone has proven time and time again that he is a dedic...
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